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Making Our Project Website


Image Source: Helmut Ignat

In order to make our project and its findings more accessible to the public, we created a project website with Wix. This included information about our team and the VNPA, as well as our studies, methods, and findings in blog format. The website also featured a dedicated tab for questions in the “Contact Us” section. The main reasons for developing our website was to engage a larger audience in our project and create a longer lasting impact. Having the website in tandem with our report makes it more accessible for the public, and provides a place to view our studies, logs, and results in an interactive manner. The website also serves to link our project with other teams from the Bucharest project center. It is beneficial for our collaborator and their associated organizations to have access to our work, and also gives our project more visibility to the WPI community as well as any NGOs with similar problems as Văcărești Nature Park. This could in turn help the park gain attention, and raise awareness of potential solutions.

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