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The Role Vacaresti Nature Park Play in Major Public Health Crises


Image Source: ARCEN Association,

As far as we know, the 2019-2020 Coronavirus pandemic has taken a major toll on countries worldwide. From deaths, economic downfalls, cancellation of schools, travel crises, job losses, the permanent closure of independent businesses, closing of restaurants, and even government sanctioned lockdowns, COVID-19 has had sweeping effects on lifestyle. As of March 2020, the CDC and medical professionals recommended a tactic of ‘social distancing’. Social distancing and city or country-wide lockdowns are an attempt to “flatten the curve” or slow the spread of the virus in an attempt to buy more time for hospitals flooded with patients and medical professionals working on cures and vaccines. Self-quarantine and social distancing procedures will not guarantee an individual safety from contracting the virus, but it greatly decreases the likelihood of transmission.

As gyms are shutting down and self-quarantine leads to a sedentary lifestyle, more people have been looking to green spaces to stay active. In Bucharest, military ordinances and local governments have been advising against congregating in large groups, and some parks have been closed. Văcărești, however, because it is a nationally controlled park, remains open and is one of the few places residents can enjoy.

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