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How We Conduct Our Online Survey


Image Source: ARCEN Association,

One of the primary methods of garnering data was through the use of a survey. The survey, was distributed online in order to encapsulate the general public’s views of the Văcărești Nature Park. No in-park surveys were planned at the time of this report due to the global health crisis regarding the coronavirus. We hoped to discern the demographics of visitors and the ways they prefer to enjoy the park. We asked a number of questions regarding likes, dislikes, as well as people’s primary use of the park. Examples of park use include physical activity, social events, or nature observation. The survey also provided more information from people who may not use the park as often. It is also important that the survey included a variety of questions about the positive and negative aspects of the park to be as inclusive as possible. Asking someone why they do not visit the park is just as valuable as asking someone why they do choose to visit. Having knowledge of what the public dislikes has provided a clear path for improving the park. The information gathered from this survey has been synthesized and then instituted to aid the VNPA in designing improvements that are tailored toward those who use it the most. Also, the procurement of this data allows the VNPA to make a stronger case to the government regarding the current lack of support for the park. The main challenges associated with surveys are distribution and formatting. Distribution that is limited to in-park delivery would contain bias because the opinion of the park visitors may not be representative of the general public; everyone who fills it out will have already visited the park. In comparison, online survey distribution can target the population which doesn’t visit the park. A combination of distribution sources increases the reach of the survey, the response rate, as well as allowing for greater diversity of responses. However, we must note that using the Văcărești Park Association’s pages to distribute the survey may have also created bias in responses, as it reaches users who already follow or visit those pages or are friends with users who do.

In regard to the formatting of the surveys, care was taken in order to ensure accurate, unbiased responses. Questions were worded to prevent misunderstandings and were constructed in such a way as to not lead responses. One of the major causes of concern with these surveys was that the questions may be answered incorrectly due to misinterpretation, but this was avoided by ensuring accuracy in both English and Romanian.

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