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Planning Our Long-term Stakeholder Engagement


Image Source: Helmut Ignat

Coordination between the community and the VNPA is crucial.

Numerous studies have found that, “involving communities in the design and implementation of development initiatives increases ownership and sustainability [and those changes are] more likely to be successful and permanent when the people it directly affects are involved in initiating and promoting it”.

In addition to initial community collaboration during the planning stages of the projects, the long-term communication with the community is necessary to maintain trust and support. We recognized that our group has only short-term involvement with the stakeholders and the VNPA, so upon completion of our project, we provided our collaborator with the tools and information to allow for continued stakeholder interaction. In addition, the survey can be reimplemented annually to track shifts in public sentiments. This will assist them in the future as they continue to make plans for infrastructure and management updates.

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